JUN-AIR Dental Compressors

Probably the original Dental Compressor manufacturer, renown Worldwide for quality and reliability. Their oil less compressors have been designed for long life and almost maintenance free. Each year the units require a simple Health and Safety inspection and an intermediate service replacing filter elements.

HTM2022 Regulations: For those customers wishing to comply with the HTM2022 regulations, all oil free compressors with dryers are ideal but should be installed with additional downstream Breathing Air and Bacteria filters to ensure air quality compliance. You should check the exact air demand required by HTM for the number of surgeries being used as it is different to the ‘Dental guide’ which is sized for non HTM practices. At the time of writing HTM states an air delivery of 50 l/min @ 5 bar per surgery.

Downloads: Jun-air brochure


Champion Screw Compressors

